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What's your Health Type?

We all know one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to improving your health and feeling great.

There are so many diets, exercise plans, mindfulness techniques, and wellness methods out there - so how do you know what’s right for YOU?

Well, the good news is, it's easier to figure out than you think!

The Shae scientists have discovered each of us has a unique code that lies deep inside our unique bodies, in-built into our DNA. It’s what is being called our Epigenetic Profile.

Your Epigenetic Profile is 100% unique to you. It’s actually a fancy name for your biological source code that connects with your genes, influences your organ function, determines your hormone levels and emotions, and even communicates with your mind.

There are 7.5 billion people on the planet each with our own unique biology, however, there are many of us with similar (yet unique) features and functions. Each Epigenetic Profile falls into 1 of 6 regions on a chart, so we are able to collectively refer to people sharing similar biology and physiology as sharing a similar Health Type.

Introducing, the Health Type Circle

The Health Types are illustrated best on a circle, each Health Type sitting at certain points, all in relation to the others.

When viewing the HealthTypes on the circle, you will see the body shape morphing gradually as it moves from one type to the next.

Those HealthTypes close to each other have some similar traits while those opposite each other on the circle often have opposing tendencies.

For example, the Sensor has long, thin bones, a ruler-shaped body and is very independent and introverted, whereas the Connector is shorter in stature, with more robust bones, an hourglass or apple-shaped figure and is naturally trusting and extroverted, simply due to the way that the body has developed when in the womb.

Then it gets a little more complex...

Each of us has a body that sits somewhere around the circumference of this circle - at one point of the 360 degrees. And if you sit more toward one side of the Health Type, you may find that you have traits or a body shape that is more like that Health Type next door too!

You will notice that some Diplomats can be very wide with larger bones, and these bodies tend to sit on the circle closer to the Guardian, however, a Diplomat with a similar shape but smaller bones and longer limbs may fall more toward the Sensor side of the circle.

Use your Health Type right away for results

To make things simple, the circle is sectioned into six main HealthTypes, however, there are actually 360 Health Types, each with infinite variables, like your ancestry and your lifestyle, that can affect what is precisely healthy for your unique body, down to whether you should choose carrots or cabbage.

This is very important in cases of illness and disease, or for high-performance athletes and individuals.

HealthTypes are the first step of personalized, precision health and the results you've been dreaming of.

Knowing your Health Type CAN change your life.

It IS that powerful.

You can change your mood swings, energy levels, digestion and so many factors that affect your quality of life simply by eating at the right time of day, waking up well, or doing the right type of activity.

If you want more... that’s where the precision, personalized calculations from Shae come in to tell you precisely what you need to know to be in optimal condition.

The algorithms from the 45-minute assessment, including 17 body measurements and 65 in-depth questions about your body, health and lifestyle, calculate 500 ratios from 10,000 data points.


Sensors are analytically organized, consistent, loyal, orderly, intellectual, sensitive, focused, determined, motivated, ambitious, strong-minded, meticulous, detailed oriented and creative.

The Sensor has the ability to read others, perceive and interact at an intellectual level and can be mentally (and even physically!) flexible, incorporating many ideas into complex concepts or theories.

Given the space and tools necessary, Sensors can easily accomplish a significant degree of mental work. They are highly independent, tend to enjoy learning and details, and are good at creating systems, strategies, and directing workflow. The Sensor is disciplined, consistent and a fast learner.


1. Keep your body warm When your body becomes cold, it uses a large amount of energy and physical resources to maintain its required temperature instead of using the energy to build new cells and restore your health.

Keep your home warm and, when you can, live in a warm, moist climate. If you live in a dry area, try a humidifier at home to add the moisture that your body likes.

2. Eat warm and well-cooked foods Especially in cold or cooler weather! Your digestive tract is shorter than other HealthTypes and this means that you have less time to break down the food into small enough particles to efficiently absorb nutrients. Although it may sound counter-intuitive to cook foods due to the loss of enzymes, your body actually needs help to break down the food so it can be absorbed and utilized.

To give your digestion a boost, you might like to try eating enzyme-rich foods prior to ingesting a big meal, like having a glass of fresh pineapple or papaya juice. Vegetables and meats should be well-cooked using methods like braising or slow cooking. Use a crockpot to cook your meat until you can cut it with a fork. Your body needs plenty of protein, but it needs it to be partially broken down before you eat it so you can reap the benefits.

3. Avoid over-stimulating environments You are naturally susceptible to a huge amount of sensory input. Moreso than any other HealthType simply due to the nature of your development. Too much stimulation will tax your systems and feel like an overload - causing both physical and mental signs of stress. Soothing environments are best for you: pleasant lighting, gentle sounds, warmth, and no chemicals or pungent smells suit you best.

Do all that you can to make your home and work environment support your body by being pleasing to your highly sensitive senses. This could include soft textures and colours, ambient sounds or even silence.


Crusaders are driven to achieve and frequently succeed when goals require a high level of mental and physical work. They are self-determined without the need for constant praise and feedback, are willing to take risks and make large efforts to create their ideas, and may sacrifice a lot to achieve what they believe they must.

The Crusader enjoys a challenge, does well with routine, is dependable, responsible, and perceived as intelligent. They prefer predictability, reliability and willingly accept responsibility.

Crusaders enjoy insatiable curiosity which feeds their drive for learning and they tend to seek out lots of detail and thrive when learning and creating. They are competitive and ambitious and strive for accuracy in order to be authoritative and correct in their positions.


1. Lots of fresh air and low exposure to CO2 Fresh air is critical for your brain as you are naturally susceptible to headaches from poor air quality. You may find yourself struggling in closed quarters, especially when the atmosphere feels muggy, stifling or filled with debris like smoke.

Try to get fresh air flowing wherever possible like opening windows, using a light fan or getting outdoors whenever you feel pressure in the air.

2. Avoid stimulants in general, especially alcohol and sugar Caffeine may be an issue too - it is best to avoid everything toxic to the brain. Your brain is highly susceptible to toxins like alcohol, coffee, drugs and sugar. This vulnerability also makes you more susceptible to diseases of the brain therefore limiting exposure to toxins is a wise preventative measure.

3. Partake in endurance sports that engage consistent movement like cycling or running Aside from the physical benefits of this exercise, the repetitive, rhythmic movements of cycling or running provide a slightly meditative state that may also help you mentally relax. Be aware that even though you do enjoy a challenge, over-exercising can become a problem for those motivated to achieve physically.

If you choose to run, be aware of tension in your neck. Poor shock absorption through unstable ankles and a naturally slow reaction in your feet means that you may not adapt sufficiently to unpredictable stressors like uneven ground while running. This may result in injuries to the neck.

4. Include minerals in your diet and ensure the replacement of electrolytes after working out Your body has a tendency to have difficulty assimilating minerals and breaking down proteins so provide your body with the most effective strategies to achieve this for consistent performance and optimal results. .


Activators are active! They love change, diversity, movement and dynamic endeavours more than sedentary or rote tasks. Movement actually gives them more energy. Activators are social beings but still love their alone time to reboot. The Activator body is designed for movement and quick bursts of energy. They digest food quickly, so it is important to eat frequently.

Activators are independent, adaptable, competitive, determined, dynamic and energized. As natural athletes, muscle definition comes easily to an Activator when they train.

An Activator adheres to discipline but likes to be impulsive. They naturally handle improvisation and adapt to almost any condition quickly. Activators are quick to react and respond easily to unpredictability.


1. Your body does not do well being still Daily activity which includes lots of movement, exercise, changing direction, differing tasks and activities is good for your well-being. Exercises that include balance activities or hand-eye coordination are highly beneficial.

2. You need antioxidants more than any other Health Type Make them a part of every day. Acai, goji, golden and other berries, green tea and other foods rich in antioxidants are your go-to. Essential fatty acids are also important for you. Try to consume them every day.

3. Diversity and variety are key Your work or daily activities need to be very diverse and include a variety of tasks, people, movements, and different challenges. Without a variety of stimulation, your mind will be frustrated and this will negatively impact your health.

4. You need quality animal protein You need more quality animal protein than other HealthTypes in order to maintain good health. Choose ethically bred, maintained and killed animals. A healthy diet for you includes animal protein every day and the more you workout, the more meat you need. It is extremely difficult for your body to get what it needs from a vegetarian diet.

5. Warmth is critical It is important for your body to be warm to be able to recover and heal, as well as regulate itself and generate new cells. You may age faster or have difficulty staying well if you are exposed to a lot of cold weather or a cold home. Avoid high humidity, especially if it is cold. You do better with a drier climate with low to medium humidity.


Connectors naturally consider the needs of others and are open and friendly, helpful, available, forgiving, kind, and affectionate. Connectors enjoy connecting with others. Due to their natural body makeup, talking to others is very good for them. Success in health will come more easily if they have support from a coach or loved ones and they can share their experience with people.

A Connector is a good teammate, able to share ideas, frequently thinks out loud, and can often manage multiple tasks throughout the day, although not necessarily all at the same time.

The Connector tends to feel things very physically and enjoys touch, hugs, good food, and physical pleasures. When they choose to, they can be a fabulous leader of fun activities and very persuasive and influential.


1. Connection is paramount! Spend a good amount of your day verbally speaking with people. Chat! Think out loud! Express how you’re feeling! Brainstorm! Grab a friend, a work buddy or even a neighbour to share your thoughts.

Connect with others in any form of communication available, including pictures, texts, email messages or a phone call, to share moments, ideas, events, work items and personal feelings. The important thing is to connect!

The more you connect with people who are positive influences, the better. You can be easily influenced by your surroundings, so finding positive social circles can make a huge difference! Just connecting with people who live a healthy lifestyle can be helpful!

2. Sunshine and warmth are your BFFs :) Sunshine and warm to mild weather are highly beneficial for you. Try to spend time in the sunshine each day, or at least in a place where you can see the sun shining! Sunshine influences your HealthTypeTM the most - when the sun isn’t shining your mood can go south - literally! You’ve noticed it, right? Well, it’s not just in your head - it is actually a physiological response of your body! Get out and turn your face to the sun every now and then to get your fill - and if you’re in a place where it’s dreary outside and you’re feeling the effects - visit a sunbed for a quick fix.

3. Move! Move your body in exciting ways every day. Your body does not enjoy being sedentary or bored. It craves movement and FUN! What better way to start the day than with some movement and friends? See if you can find a fun class at a local gym or, at worst, online that helps get your body moving and your vocal cords working first thing!


Guardians are friendly, good-natured, tolerant, predictable, steady, strong, secure, family-oriented and stable. They are naturally very supportive and enjoy easy-going activities, routine, eating with family or friends, being a spectator and connecting with others they like. They are the strongest HealthTypeTM and tolerate physical stress (such as cold, hunger, and lack of sleep) better than most others. Family is very important to them and they tend to have an overall feeling of well-being.

Friends might call the Guardian “the salt of the earth,” “grounded,” dependable and consistent. That is because the people that know them best realize that they can count on the Guardian because they care deeply about the people close to them. Employers or business partners would say the same thing because the Guardian offers loyalty and great service. They are a valuable part of the family or a team.


1. Eat lots of vegetables and go easy on animal proteins You have an incredibly strong gut for breaking down plant-based foods - better than all other HealthTypes. This also means that you can enjoy salads, and raw vegetables more often than others.

Your digestive tract is really designed for food that takes time to break down and it can be challenged by too much animal protein. In fact, your body gets most of what it needs from plants, especially vegetables, and it doesn’t need a large quantity of meat to be in optimal shape. Many Guardians struggle with this because they feel unsatisfied, or easily hungry if they don’t eat animal proteins. However, once you start to eat high amounts of vegetables and only natural sugars, your cravings for meat or lots of food in general will diminish considerably and you’ll feel less cravings and more satiated as a regular occurrence.

Get your family together for a vegetarian bonanza or share some new sugar-free treats around to keep your taste buds happy as you transition.

2. Increase your circulation through movement and deep breathing Good circulation is critical for your health and the best way to get enough oxygen and other nutrients to every part of your body is to move! Deep breathing brings your oxygen in and then moving your body helps distribute it to where it needs to go - right down to your little toe.

3. Avoid getting over-heated Your body is happiest when it is in a slightly cool environment - around 18-20 degrees Celsius (65 to 68 degrees fahrenheit) during the day and even cooler at night.

When your body gets hot, from warm indoor or outdoor temperatures, or over-exercising without enough ventilation, it creates extra stress on your bodily systems. Precious resources that are normally used to ensure your body works efficiently, heals and repairs, are used up trying to keep you cool!


The Diplomat has one of the strongest Health Types and from historical records, we know these are the natural nomads, Vikings, and warriors. They are extremely resilient, don’t often complain about being sick or weak, and are rarely bothered by small things. The Diplomat can lift weights easily and has the potential for exceptional endurance. Often their physical strength is matched by mental strength and endurance too.

By nature, Diplomats are dependable, easy-going, and enjoy pleasurable experiences. They do well with a predictable, patterned routine and, when motivated by a fierce desire, their focus and discipline assist to achieve their goals. Diplomats enjoy learning and will obey the rules unless the rules prevent their enjoyment. As dependable employees and friends, Diplomats are easy to get along with. They are natural mediators and managers.


1. Avoid high stress and move with your natural rhythm You have more physical stamina than many other HealthTypes when you can work with your natural rhythm. You might prefer not to have tight, pressured deadlines, or feel rushed through a project or meeting and you tend to feel more at ease when things are relaxed and you can go at your own pace.

This may seem slower than some of your colleagues but is actually the pace and the environment that allows you to be highly productive. A calm, rhythmic workflow, with low pressure, can do wonders not only for your productivity and job satisfaction but also for your long-term health.

2. Eat a diet rich in vegetables, moderate in animal protein, and moderate in grains, especially gluten Your intestinal tract is the longest of all HealthTypes which means your body takes its time to digest your foods. This is especially helpful for breaking down and retrieving the optimal amount of nutrients from vegetables. You can gain most of what your body needs from plant-based foods as your body doesn’t require as much animal protein as other HealthTypes (unless you are body-building). In fact, having a long digestive tract means that meat may start to ferment in the gut before it is expelled, causing methylation, gas or other problems.

3. Stay up late and wake up late if you can Your body enjoys the circadian rhythm that naturally goes to sleep later at night and wakes up later in the morning. It’s very healthy for you to be in bed just after midnight and to ‘sleep in’ until nine o’clock - no matter what anyone else says!

If you love to get up early, try and take it easy until about 11am when your ‘steam train’ engine starts to kick in. This might mean reading the paper, organizing your day or planning what needs to be done for the week ahead. Embrace your relaxed mornings and try to schedule your intense activity for the afternoons when you’re full of energy.

If you're curious about what Health Type you are and exploring your Epigenetic Profile, book a Discovery Session so we can get you started!




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